APIs Data Manipulation Format GIS for .NET

Create, read, edit and convert an ESRI shape-file, in the format of GeoJSON, TopoJSON, Google Earth & ESRI geodata files






Aspose.GIS for . NET enables you to access and manage geographic information from vector formats based on geospatial data. The API supports reading, writing and converting most popular GIS file formats such as Shapefile, GeoJSON, FIleGDB, KML and OSM XML, as well as render a map from supported formats to SVG. In addition, the developer can easily customize the rendering and art styles to get the desired view of the map.

Aspose.GIS for . NET is designed with simplicity, performance, usability and portability in mind. It contains APIs that will be used with the .NET Framework, .NET Key, and Xamarin, allowing you to build cross-platform applications with great ease.


An overview of The Aspose.GIS for .NET API.


Layers Geometries
  • Features of access from Shapefile
  • Convert Polygon to LineString
  • Iteration Layer Features
  • Get Layer Attributes & Values
  • Filter functions by attribute

for .NET

  • Graph of shape geometries
  • Access points and geometries
  • Iteration Of Glasses in Geometry
  • Creating Points & MultiPoints
  • Create polygons with holes
  • Get Geometry Type Information


Aspose.GIS for .NET supports most popular GIS file formats.


⇑⇓ Input/Output Input only 
  • ESRI Shapefile: SHP, SHX, DBF
  • TopoJSON: JSON, TopoJSON
  • Google Earth: KML
  • ESRI geodata file: GDB

for .NET

  • GPS Exchange Format: GPX
  • Geography Markup Language: GML
  • MapInfo Interchange Format : MIF
  • MapInfo Tab Format : TAB, DAT, DBF
  • OpenStreetMap : OSM


Aspose.GIS for . NET supports any .NET framework since 4.7, the .NET Key Framework, and Xamarin. It can also be used with Mono 5.4 or later.


Mono & .NET core Framework .NET + Xamarin
Mono 5.4+

for .NET


Xamarin.Android (7.5 or higher)
Xamarin.iOS (10,14 or higher)
Xamarin.Mac (3.8 or higher)


Advanced .NET API Features of GIS Manipulation Formats


GIS File Formats Inter-Converted Upload existing GIS files Write data to shape, GeoJSON and KML formats
Creating and Writing an ESRI File Geodata: FIleGDB Read data in KML, GPX, GML and FIleGDB formats Lightweight and self-contained component
Convert GeoJSON files to a shapefile with attribute settings Conversion to GeoJSON TopoJSON format Read and write functionality to or from TopoJSON
Geometry Validation Compare geometries for spatial relationship as intersection or union Find the difference in difference & symmetrical between geometry
Find areas, length & distance between points Calculation of the geometry of medians and convex shells Rendering map in SVG


Inter-conversion of Geo formats
Aspose.GIS for .NET provides the ability to convert Geo file formats with a single line of code.

Convert ESRI shape file to GeoJSON – C#:

// load & convert Shapefile
VectorLayer.Convert(dir + “template.shp”, Drivers.Shapefile, dir + “output.json”, Drivers.GeoJson);

Read or create GIS data files
Aspose.GIS for . NET does not only support loading GIS file formats for manipulation and transformation, but it also provides the ability to create GIS data files from scratch. . NET developers can use the API to create basic geometric objects such as points, MultiPoint, Line, MultiLine, polygon, and so on, which can be further used to create complex functions.

Format-Independent Model Object
Aspose.GIS for . NET allows you to manage the geometry and feature attributes of supported GIS file formats without worrying about the basic implementation of the format. The uniform representation of the attribute function for both the ESRI shape and the GeoJSON frees you from writing separate code to control both formats.

Spatial system support
Aspose.GIS for . NET supports the Spatial Reference System. The .NET GIS API allows you to create a spatial reference system from Well-Known Text (WKT), and also provides the ability to export a spatial reference frame to WKT. In addition, you can also compare spatial reference frames or create them with custom parameters, as per the requirements of the application.